Allen Brain Institute Hackathon Projects

Aims and objectives ... scripts for
  • Downloading and assessing single or multiple human brain gene [microarray] expression data, especially in relation to “gene classification” sets, i.e., in relation to genes associated with a disorder, disease, etc.
  • Assessing the range of genes, and their expression levels, per structure.
  • Mapping the genes associated with a disorder, disease, etc., to “molecular interaction and reaction networks” maps; as recorded by KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes) 
  • Exploring a gene's expression levels per probe used.

The examples illustrated in this post, and other Hackathon related posts, are with respect to (w.r.t.) the Allen Brain Institute's  list of genes associated with autism.  All scripts, algorithms, and models, by Catherine Ojo except:
  • download_expressions, and 
  • parse_json 
which are courtesy of David at the Allen Brain Institute, and 
  • xticklabel_rotate
    by Brian Katz. For the sake of completion, and new users, basic algorithms & illustrations are included
